Is Your Garage Door Ready For Hurricane Season?

If you have watched the news lately, you have probably noticed that there has been some unusual weather in some parts of the world recently. It is important to remember that  June 1 was the first day of the Atlantic hurricane season and scientists expect at least half a dozen storms that are severe enough as to be named. Although the numbers of  expected hurricanes are lower than many previous years, tornadoes continue to be a natural disaster that takes lives and ruins property.

Therefore, with rain and severe weather being so probable, it is essential to make your home as safe as possible, even if you don't expect trouble in your area. Given that your garage door is the largest, most obvious way to access your home, it is a good idea to reinforce or update it.

Does Your Door Provide Adequate Wind Pressure And Impact Protection?

It is first necessary to determine the age and features of your garage door. Older units may have been made prior to the safety features that now exist. For instance, it is now possible for garage doors to withstand wind speeds exceeding 120 miles per hour. Doors with that type of strength and durability are often required by law to be present in ALL homes in some parts of the world.

The issue of windows in the garage also needs to be addressed. Specifically, glass is not always safe in the event of a severe storm and even glass that has been reinforced can still pose a problem. Broken glass is an obvious safety hazard, but also allows air, rain, etc. into the garage after being damaged. Therefore, you should consider how badly you actually want the window.

How Safe Is Your Existing Garage Door?

If your door has rust spots, cracks, dents or uneven brackets, it is not safe to use and could become a weapon of sorts during severe weather. A garage door repair (available from companies like Calgary Overhead Doors) can be done with the use of extra braces that will go across the garage door, to make it stronger. Another option involves re-calibrating the springs, to make them smoother to use and reinforcing the doors, so they can withstand high winds.

Unfortunately, those options help with the winds that could be attacking your home, but do nothing against flying debris. If that is a concern, you may need to consider a new garage door. Retrofitting  and repairing the door is more cost-efficient, but older doors cannot always be updated to provide the safety that a new door does.

In conclusion, even if your garage door is functional, improving its usability and making it safer could be important for protecting your home and family in the event of severe weather. It does not have to be expensive to save the lives of your family or protect your home and belongings, but it does need to be done soon.
