Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Installing An Automatic Garage Door Opener

Are you still manually opening and closing your garage door? If so, you really should consider the installation of an automatic garage door opener. This is because, in addition to simply allowing you to avoid the physical task of operating your garage door, these garage door openers also offer a variety of impressive benefits. In this article, you will be able to learn more about three of these very impressive benefits so that you can better understand why you really should consider investing in a garage door opener.

#1: A Garage Door Opener Can Improve The Security Of Your Garage And Home

A manually operated garage door can provide intruders with the perfect entry point. This is because not only are the locks on these doors typically much easier to bypass than the locks used on standard entry doors, but your garage can also provide the necessary cover for an intruder to make their way into your home. For this reason, security can be a big concern when choosing to manually operate the door of an attached garage. Thankfully, automatic door openers help to eliminate this security problem through the use of rolling codes. Since the code that opens your garage door will change each time you push the button on your remote, you will find that it is much harder for any intruder to gain access to your garage. 

#2: An Automatic Garage Door Opener Can Extend The Life Of Your Door

It is virtually impossible to open and close your garage door at a steady and constant pace when operating this door manually. As a result, manual operation can put excess stress on the mechanical parts of your garage door system. Since automatic door openers operate your door at a steady, controlled pace each time, these door openers are able to reduce the amount of stress put on the door and ultimately extend its lifetime. 

#3: Automatic Garage Door Openers Help Keep You Safe

Needing to get out of your vehicle in order to open or close your garage door is not only a hassle, but it can actually put your safety at risk. This is because exiting your vehicle in order to access your garage gives criminals the perfect opportunity to ambush you in order to gain access to either your vehicle or your home. The use of an automatic garage door opener will allow you to remain safely in your car when coming and going from your home. 

Contact a professional for more information about garage door openers
